You may think it's typical.
Well, it is typical.
And it happened to me.
I'm writing this because I've had enough.
Teachers, counselors, some adults
"Do what you wanna do. You don't have to be what your parents, family want you to be."
"Easy to talk."
I was half-joked,
"Mom, what'll you say if I SUDDENLY choose Islamic studies?"
"Please don't."
"Just marry a guy with that."
(Well, I do gave it a little thought,)
why can't I have the knowledge
that, of course, good?
Why should I have someone who has it
while I can have it?
(Not that I REALLY can because results aren't here yet but at least I have the thought)
I was taking it easy.
I thought once I talk, they will understand.
Guess not.
Now, I should just hoping for the results.
Dont be surprise if I'm hoping for something that is not really good.
Dear readers,
I know this is too public.
I know, nothing will happen even if I write this,
like, who cares?
But please,
never talk to me about what I've write.
You read but you don't have the right to talk to me about this.
I don't need it.