Sunday, 27 January 2019

There was this talk

About how we handle our future plans.
One said they've been achieving their dreams according to their plans.
One said they shouldn't say their plans out loud to achieve them.
While me, I dont really have future plans nor dream.
And it got me thinking.

It had been a dream of mine to own a spacious room,
until I was chased out,
until I realized the feeling of not belong to it.

It was a dream of mine to have a room arranged the way I want,
but it was shattered.

It was arranged that I would go to the medical route for the reason of a kid's word.
I'm not gonna lie I did think about it,
except no one's ever told me what I should be doing.
It was neglected, I rebel against it.
Well, it's fine, I guess?

I tried arranging leaving this cage.
It was only 60% serious,
but I got "Why did you find somewhere so far?"
and I got laugh at.

They keep on saying,
"you decide on it",
but when I say what I want,
it got cut off for whatever lame reasons.

Now, when the steps are getting closer to the threshold,
I'm getting anxiety,
I'm getting lost.

I got out,
looking at people walking,
kids going home,
I question my life.

I'm confused.
Who was it.
When will this end.