But it finally came to my senses.
Before this, I pretended to become an ignorant.
People had crush(es), I had too.
Well, I was young back then (not that I'm old now).
I did feel the crush feelings,
like the butterflies in my gut thingy.
And some times later, as I know some friends with good resolutions,
I felt like the crush thingy is somehow a waste of time.
Time flies, I really did feel nothing anymore.
Now, I got involved with more people who talk about love so much,
and, yeah, this is how it becomes a question to me.
What is love, actually?
How do you confirm that it's love?
Like, if the feeling happy,
you know you're happy when you smile,
when you feel good inside your heart.
Or, sad.
You know you're sad when you cry,
when you feel something wrong inside your heart.
And love?
What do you feel?
When I asked around,
and also before I questioned myself about this,
people always relate love with love your parents, God, His Prophet...
Yes, of course.
But parents are the people who gave birth to you, raised you,
of course you love them,
you have to.
what if there are people who doesnt love their parents that much?
And God?
Like, obviously!
He who creates us, gives us sustains and such.
It is He who makes our life as easy as right now.
What're you expecting?
Of course our love goes to Him.
And it's similar to the love for Prophet.
Parents, God, His Prophet
are... the ones(?) that affect our life.
They are the spotlight of our life.
There are no other then them.
And love for your friends?
You see the "-s"?
It means plural.
Means that whoever you can call friends deserve your love.
And it's plural.
So what I'm trying to say here is,
love to the opposite gender.
And when I say opposite gender,
it means the significant other.
You cant give your love to significant other-s.
It's like, you have to choose one.
And there.
How do you choose one?
Like, some people may say falling in love.
And there.
How do you fall in love?
Face? Style?
Like, duh, of course *rolling eyes*
And if that philosophy really is happening, then the uglies are left alone until they rot.
How they talk? How they become the center of attention?
Then the silences will also rottenly left alone.
They said when you tend to forgive that person, that is love.
So, like, are you saying love makes a person... weak?
No, I mean, I know being a forgiving person makes you strong.
But doesnt it like,
when you tend to always forgive, then the other person will never change.
And then it can also be said that love does not change people,
does not make a person learns a lesson.
And about forgiving.
Give up can be considered as forgiveness, am I right?
But what if I say,
give up can be meant you stop hoping?
Then is that love?
You argue, and the other person doesnt want to admit defeat,
so you just give up,
because you feel like it's hopeless.
Well, I dont think that is love, though.
Okay, anyway!
It seems not all people can understand me,
because it is me who does not understand.
I questioned a friend after she explained,
and she gave up because she didnt know what to answer.
So yeah,
let's just leave it to the fate of Allah,
and when the time comes,
maybe I can find the answer.