Friday 29 May 2015

CAUTION: New Labels

It might be my lifetime scar.
The result.

I dont really care about it.
Yeah, again, it's not really bad, I think,
because I expected it would be worse.

Then, ...
my brother contacted me,
asking was I okay.
Somehow I did irritate.
He doesnt even care how was I while walking 10m far in front,
never even care what I do,
and why are you asking now?

So then he asked what would I want to continue.
I answered him, the 'thing' that was in my mind ever since my 14th.
What did he said then?
Something like "I dont think it's good for you."
And then he (+ other he) said to my parents "Most of THE people arent good. She could be like them."
Again, why do you even care??

And then,
she got involved.
Well, she is since a year before the result.
"That's not one course people want."
"You wouldnt go far with that."
"In our country it isnt good."
She was so happy that I got Science,
but not Nursing.
She persuaded me to change (even though I never planned to stay in Science).
And I changed.
Same thing happened.

Then again,
he (not the brother(s) )...
I dont remember having any situation,
I know he was just the same,
insincere whenever we talked about 'it'.

And there are others too.

I had my 4-years dream crushed.
I fed up having a dream no one ever approve.
I am emotionless whenever 'it' is mentioned in this topic.
Yeah, it is.
The Pagoh.
"Why dont you change to 'it' "

And there's this freaking grumpy kid.

"So somehow or not you had to and still have to accept that 
you have a friend who live the way her parents told to."

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